Xvideo gay teen handicam

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The picture above shows the tiny CRT next to a 25mm postage stamp it’s small by any measure. The result is a video game that’s even smaller than a postage stamp. These modules had the right connections – power, ground, and composite video input – to connect directly to the Atari keychain games. apparently ran into a cache of these cool classic baubles and immediately thought of turning them into a stand-alone video game system.įor the display, used a CRT module from an old Sony Handicam.

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We’ll happily dismiss any article from a medical journal that says there was any truth to that statement, but ’s tiny video game system will most certainly hurt your eyes.Ī few years ago, Atari sold keychain-sized joysticks that contained classics such as Pong, Breakout, Centipede, and Asteroids. As we read ’s writeup for an extremely tiny video game system through coke bottle glasses, we’re reminded of the countless times we were told that sitting, ‘too close to the Nintendo’ would ruin our eyes.

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