Used gay porn videos for sale

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When Jessie tries to get Drake to leave, Jessie finds out that Drake's sausage tastes better than the wieners he sells. Opposing team mascot, Drake Masters, harasses concession vendor, Jessie Colter. Sharok knows the guys need to blow off steam and offers up his hole for them to use in an epic, switch-hitting three way, until Ricky and Sharok spray jizz all over Wade's tight hairy body. When star players Ricky Larkin and Wade Wolfgar step out of the showers, they find bat boy Sharok cleaning up the locker room. Join award-winning director Steve Cruz as he coaches 11 horny studs on and around the diamond leaving no balls left undrained.

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America's favorite pastime is baseball and the Stallions are the hottest team in the league! With more hard hunks than any other team, these bareback hunks know how to knock it 'Outta' the Park!'.

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